Took RX as prescribed: still had withdrawal and physical dependency issues. People who didn’t? It doesn’t matter. It is awful for everyone.

I am telling this story, again, for people who may have been told they, “don’t have a problem because a doctor prescribed it.” Especially in the US, where the, “people in charge,” aren’t following laws that would keep this from happening, like the FDA’s 9 week maximum they “don’t enforce.” We also don’t have mandatory, “informed consent,” so we have no idea this will happen. Even if you do a lot of research, we don’t find out....

Well, I found out when I tried to stop taking it on a “prednisone-style” taper and had seizures.

Then, I found the internet full of people who said, “I have been tapering for years.”

I took Klonopin for 7 years. It worked well, the only reason I tried to stop was an article iabout a possible link to Alzheimer’s.

That is the ONLY reason I found out.

That doesn’t mean I’m not - STILL - tapering for over a year, because I am.

If you partied on these drugs, you’re not to blame, either. We are all people who have something awful happening.

I almost deleted my whole account. The one place I come when the world continues on a depressing time ... and this is happening, too... this is a sanctuary. It wasn’t. - nothing’s perfect ... of course

Then, I thought, what if another person who took a prescription, as prescribed, - OR - someone who took Xanax once in awhile or all the time - without an RX - feels ashamed to talk because of a comment that keeps them quiet.

Well, I came back - in case anyone like that is here.

Good luck to you all. Doing this is so hard.