Can’t get over disappointment of my birth experience
I’m 2 weeks postpartum after an induction turned c-section. My OB was super pushy and quick to jump to a c-section, basically fear-mongering me into submission (“your baby could land in the NICU, do you want that??”). The nurses were adamant that a c-section wasn’t necessary (the issue was heart decelerations every time we turned up the pitocin so I was progressing slowly, then I spiked a fever) but in the moment I felt like I should trust my doctor.
Now I’m just so full of regret. I have dreamt of having a vaginal birth and feel like I’ve been robbed of that experience. I have tears in my eyes even writing this. Now that I’ve had a c-section, I feel like I’ll be flagged as high risk for future pregnancies and especially so given that I’m 36 years old, the chances of a successful VBAC for my next pregnancy probably aren’t good.
I got a healthy perfect little baby so I feel like I should be grateful, but I’m just really sad. I just need some advice and perspective 🫶