Anyone else have a nickname?
So I'm a bartender, I'm 22 and I have a 38 J chest. Since I started working in the bar 3 and a half years ago I've gone from 38 DD to 38 J. I have learned that my customers have given me nicknames. It's not the worst thing in the world, it could be an insult or something cruel, but I have discovered that I am known as and refered to as the bartender with the big tits. I have also been told recently that my nicknames around the town I work in are Big Tits McGee, Tits, Big Titty T, and who knows what else.
I have never been called these to my face, but I've had a couple people tell me recently that's what people call me around the town I live and work in. I have regulars that make comments about my chest since the beginning, one instance includes being called sparkle tits because some glitter from my eye shadow got on my shirt. But it bothers me that they refer to me using these names behind my back. I can take the comments to my face, the jokes, all of it, but knowing that people call me these names outside of the bar bothers me. It bothers me more that when people are talking about me people realize who I am when they say I'm the bartender with the big tits.
I don't dress scandalous, I usually wear jeans and a t-shirt, sometimes a dress or a skirt and bodysuit if I'm feeling fancy. I understand that I have been blessed with a larger chest, but knowing that all I'm known for is my chest bothers me. I don't know if I can do anything about it. I want to be known for more than my chest. Has anyone else experienced this?
I've been bartending since I turned 18, and waitressing since I was 14. I have had worse things than this said about me, including having a customer pulling me aside and asking how much it would cost for him to take me home, tie me up and titty fuck me. Customers asking how many fingers fit inside of my vagina infront of the entire bar, being told as a 15 year old that I'd look hot pregnant. I've had customers touch my ass and chest, put their hand in my back pocket and leaving a 5 dollar tip as if that makes it okay. When asking people what theyd like to eat for supper I've been told they want to eat me. Being told that there's better ways to use my mouth. Being asked if the carpets match the drapes. And so much more and worse. I have been sexualized for almost 9 years. The discovery of the nickname Big Tits McGee made me want to share my story and see if others relate. I love bartending and waitressing and have no intentions of quitting anytime soon. But the constant sexualization takes a toll and this was simply the cherry on top that made me want to share my story.