Shimano EP801 with error E914

Update 2: just got E914 again, will be making my third warranty claim in 3 months after thanksgiving break. I have had 2 new batteries and a new drive unit as part of my previous 2 warranty claims, and this time they say they’ll be replacing the drive unit and battery again. I got 170 miles on this drive unit/battery combo before the error came back. Shimano claims they’ve “worked something out” with Darfon, but they won’t tell me any more details than that. I will obviously let them do the warranty swap but I think I’ve run out of faith at this point. Buyer beware.

Update: made a warranty claim through Shimano (instead of Cannondale). Shimano said the problem was likely with the harness, but the battery and harness in this bike are essentially integrated so they sent a replacement battery/harness. I rode 60 miles and washed the bike twice and the E914 is already back. The bike was bone dry and hadn’t been washed in over a week when E914 popped up this time. FML. Back for warranty claim #2 this weekend. Oh btw, Cannondale doesn’t pay for your shop time during warranty claims, so you get to pay $100 an hour to have faulty parts installed on this thing 🙃

I have a Cannondale Moterra SL 2 with a Shimano EP 801 motor and Darfon E3C0B battery (original from Cannondale). I rode ~220 miles with no error codes, and then got the error E914 - An abnormality was detected between the drive unit and the battery a few miles into a ride last weekend. The error code popped up in practice before an enduro, so I went home and dropped the motor, used contact cleaner on everything, put a little dielectric grease on the outside of the male connector on the motor side connection and plugged everything back in. The battery side connection is glued in (at least as best as I can tell), so I didn't fool with it. I didn't get the error again during race weekend, and thought I had fixed my issue. Between the test ride, enduro race, and riding during the week I made it ~55 miles before the error code popped up again this weekend. I noticed that the error occurred this time in the first mile or so after washing the bike, and I'm fairly sure I had washed the bike before enduro practice when the issue first popped up. When washing I'm using a garden hose with a sprayer head attachment and trying to stay away from the motor area with direct spray, is there anything else I should be doing to take precaution when washing? This seems abnormal to me. Anyway, I'm wondering if I'm not putting the motor side connection back on correctly. I can't find anything online about how this should be connected, and by my inspection it seems like you just push it on (pics attached)? I'm just looking for any advice on how to cover my bases before I start a warranty claim process, as I don't have good shop support where I'm at. Any advice is appreciated

motor side connection

When I pulled it off after the second round of errors this is what it looks like

Battery side connection