silliest manic activities????

trying to find some goodness in this illness what kinda silly stuff did y’all do when ur manic?

i applied to three colleges and wrote three different essays all in one night feeling like god in my senior year of hs

my last sem of college i thought i was super cool cuz i got a paid internship so i tried to see if i could do 2 unpaid ones and also started a barista job so i worked 13 hours a day and hated my life immediately once the mania went bye bye

had different phases of thinking i could start my own crochet plushie business, jewelry, clay, resin

went to the gym and got super strong in like two months suddenly buying hella protein powders and dumb crap (haven’t gone in weeks)

changing my career prospects, currently moving cities 40 min away , got really into fostering guinea pigs, my stories kind of sucks yea someone else do better pls