Unsure how or if to label myself

I guess you can say that my sexuality has been in the back of my mind for awhile, but was never put to the forefront because either other, more pressing issues were occurring or I was ignoring. Fast forward to now, I am a 20F happily in a monogamous relationship with my boyfriend of over 2 years. And now is when my brain decides to acknowledge I am probably bisexual.

The thing is, I have never had a same sex experience, and I'd say my attraction is more skewed towards men, so I don't even know if I can use the label when I am essentially straight passing. I will probably not have a relationship with a woman, assuming my boyfriend and I stay together, and I just feel like all of this combined means I might not really be bisexual.

All my life I have always been extremely interested in LGBT+ issues and I think there has always been this longing, which is probably a sign. I'm just not sure how to get through my head I am valid, let alone start openly using the label.