Noticed something weird thats going on with matchmaking.

So I typically play with a 5 or 6 man party when new Call of duty games release because all of my friend are on and still love the game. I’ve noticed that with BO6 my stats are a lot higher than they have been in the past few titles (2.8 KD 4WL) and I was think to myself that the matchmaking has finally been toned down. Well I was talking to a friend who also just started playing and he was experiencing the opposite. He said his games are crazy sweaty and he’s having a hard time holding a 1.5KD. I invited him to party up and he said he was instantly seeing a different level of play from the enemies than he had prior, while playing solo. Well last night after some friends got off i decided to play solo and he’s my experience…

Matchmaking is completely broken, not just for solo players but also for players in parties. The levels of players I’m facing while solo are MUCH higher than when I’m partied up. I even ran into some 3rd and 4th prestige players, the highest I saw while in a party was 1st. Also the skill level is much higher and it seems that all I was facing were players in parties, while my teammates were fellow solo players. I ended up losing 9 out of 10 games I played, and in every case I had the most score and OBJ time in the lobby.

This is what I’ve concluded. Right now matchmaking is putting solo players up against parties, full or not. On the opposite side, when I’m in a 6 man party the enemy team is full of solo players who are way lower in skill than my party. This has to change as it’s not fair to solo players.

I’m going keep playing in a party because I enjoy playing with friends but I do feel as if the matchmaking needs to change to better suite solo players. This isn’t me saying that lesser skilled players need to be catered to or have their hand held, this is me saying that everyone should have an equal experience regardless of party size. IE- match parties against parties as best as possible