This Nuketown has been the worst Nuketown experience Ever.
Im not sure if its the movement, The recon perk… or just the player base. Everyone seems to hold angles. I legit played 20 games and maybe only had fun in one game by sitting back and camping. Other 19 games i left the game because I’m just getting spawn trapped. Domination is whoever gets B flag first wins the game! If you dont capture it in time they all just sit there holding angles. And yea im not the best at the game I understand but i played every single nuketown and they were always fun but this one once i loaded in I was just getting angry none stop! BRO EVEN BO3 movement was whatever nuketown was still fun??? Whats the problem here idk maybe the map feels way bigger? i really keep trying to give it a chance but it just keeps getting me in a bad mood. Like i would much rather play stakeout or the broken nuketown map at this point. Anyways apart from nuketown really bad compared to every other nuketown the game is fun!