Voxel Remesh Shortcut isn't working anymore?


It's my first time sculpting in Blender and I'm following a tutorial to make a face. After doing basic shapes, I used the voxel remesh feature with "R" and change the size to 0.500 I think. Basically, it worked fine the first time but now when I press the "R" key all it does is rotate my sculpture (since its symmetrical on the x axis, it just kinda splits it in 2).

I tried changing the keymaps for both the rotation key and the voxel remesh but it won't work.

I've tried googling it, closing the program and re-opening it but nothing works.

Blender has defeated me.

Any suggestions?

I tried Shift+R which only smoothens it and then Ctrl+R which does nothing. It's like one one the keys doesn't work.

What the \"R\" key does for me