Dune. Oh my god.

I have not finished the book. I'm in the middle of the chapter where Jessica and Paul are in the stilltent (just after the death of someone very important)

Just... oh my god. I should not impulsively post this for the dopamine it will provide me but I shall do so anyhow - and let my reptilian primitive mind anxiously wait for the pulsing desire for a rush of pleasure as I open Reddit and see the red color on the notification bell.

The awakening to your brainwashing. Your whole life prepared, the mix of dogmas, conditionings, and indoctrinations all mixed to make the perfect cookie recipe - a recipe of such perfect measures of ingredients that once your tongue tastes it, you are forever bound to its chains.

Poor Paul. And ironically, are we not all in the same boat as him? Prepared our entire lives since birth, bashed in by school, entertainment, TV, Youtube, parents, doctrines, our own impulses, our traumas and heartbreaks, conditionings - the myriad of conditionings - all of them a hammer, hitting the anvil of poor baby innocence to shape the clay of whatever it is we become.

''I'm a monster, he thought. A freak!''

This book was amazing since the first sentence, but there was so much to take in the first 100-150 pages. Now, however, I am completely hooked. Perhaps this book will be to me what Pauls Bene Gesserit training was to him?

If you post spoilers please mark them. Let's discuss and have fun.