What books did you DNF and then go back to?

and what was your experience? for me, I DNFed Cloud Atlas after trying to read the digital copy. the writing style of The Pacific Journal of Adam Ewing was just written in a way that i was having trouble processing, so i gave up.

when i went back to it (as an audio book) however, and pushed through the initial difficulties with understanding that first section, i found that i enjoyed it a lot!

i keep track of the books i DNF and go back to some of them to try again. especially if i feel like i DNFed it just because i thought it was too difficult, or i wasnt in the right headspace. some books that i initially DNFed have become ones that i really like!

i would love to hear about whether you all revisit DNFed books. did you find a new favourite that you had previously overlooked? or do you DNF and never look back