Cannot get him off my breast

He's 3 weeks old and I understand that growth spurts happen around this time, but he is literally living on my breast. He'll be on it for an hour straight, not even be sucking anymore and even fall off, then once I put my bra back on, he starts screaming. Sometimes he eats so frequently that he is just throwing up then asking for more. He's not giving me any time to eat/drink to keep up with the demand and this morning, I actually felt like my legs were going to give out from under me while changing him because my body was so weak. I think he's slept twice today? No way it's enough for him. I've tried a soother and a finger, he gets frustrated and screams until I feed him. I have him on gas drops, I sit him up and burp him and do bicycle legs. I ordered a probiotic based off the midwife's recommendation. I'm just exhausted. I wish he would rest or be peaceful and stop screaming, kicking me and trying to throw his body.

I feel like every time there's an issue, I get told he's going through a growth spurt. Every few days he's going through a growth spurt?? It's like he'll have a few good days and then his behavior drastically changes and he seems miserable. I just wish I could make him happy.