Tell me your non-traumatic lip tie release stories, please!

My 5 mo is having a lip tie (no tongue tie) clipped at the pediatric dentist tomorrow and I’m spiraling. We have seen a speech language pathologist, 2 dentists and a pediatrician about this over the past several months. So I feel fairly confident it’s not wholly unnecessary. But he has recently been starting to follow a (low) growth curve and is otherwise developmentally thriving. Idk, I am just worried it’s really going to suck and I’m immediately going to regret putting him through it. Nobody has given me permission not to go through with it. I’m looking for positive stories, more for the recovery/stretches part. Anyone it “wasn’t so bad” for?

ETA: thanks everyone! You all convinced me to go through with it, and I’m so glad I did! It was quick and easy, comparable to getting vaccines (same amount of time, same amount of crying) and he immediately latched and fell asleep after. It doesn’t seem to have bothered him in the days since and he doesn’t really notice when I do the “exercises” (which are pretty easy for lip). As of this morning (3 days later), it’s about 80% healed already. His latch is so much better and the spitting up has decreased significantly!