AITA for injuring my best friend because he started hanging out with another guy?

I, 33 (M), am best friends with my partner (34 M), who I’ll call Edwardo.  Edwardo and I have known each other for six years now, and he’s the first person I’ve ever really felt at home with, I’ve never really had a friend like him before, and we share everything with each other. I’m his best friend, and he’s mine, we’re a team both in and out of work, and other than my sister he’s my closest family. 

But recently Edwardo started hanging out with 44 (M), Tyler. I know he’s allowed to have other friends, it’s healthy even, and I was supportive of it saying that it’s great they’re getting along so well, but then Edwardo said ‘did you ever meet someone and just click?’ And I felt sick because that’s how I felt about Edwardo and I thought he felt the same about me but apparently not. 

They went to a karaoke bar together last week, which is our thing, and I was left behind to watch our kid who couldn’t stop talking about how awesome Tyler is the entire time, which sucked. And since then they’ve been going on more and more hangouts just the two of them, and even when we’re at work he’s always laughing on the phone with Tyler, when I’m usually the only one who makes him laugh like that. It just feels like Edwardo doesn’t need me anymore, definitely not as much as I need him anyway. 

So I guess I was already feeling a little jealous, leading up to the incident. They were out, so it was just me and our kid again, and I noticed on Edwardo’s calendar that he’s scheduled to play basketball with Tyler, and he circled it. I hate basketball, so I’ve always said no to playing it with him, and now Edwardo’s moving on without me and it’s all my fault. 

I wanted to go so Edwardo would think to invite me in the future, but I couldn’t just turn up by myself so I invited by sister’s fiancé and told him it’d be a bonding experience for us, and we went together. As soon as we got there Edwardo and Tyler were all over each other, and BIL and I ended up in a team against them  Now here’s where I may be TAH: I was losing really badly to them, Tyler kept stealing the ball from me, and Edwardo was chest bumping him and complimenting him and calling him ‘my boy’ each time he made a basket. And they were standing so close to each other it was like they were best buds, and I just got so angry all of a sudden that when the next round started I threw myself in to Edwardo just as he went to shoot a basket. Edwardo slammed on to the ground and really hurt his shoulder and sprained his ankle.

I swear, I’m not a violent person, and I really didn’t mean to hurt him! I don’t know what came over me, I’m not usually that competitive. I'm a big guy and sometimes I throw my body around without thinking, which I know isn't an excuse. AITA? 

Edit: We’re both straight, by partner I meant work partner, we’e firefighters and that’s just what we call each other. Edit 2: By ‘our kid’ I meant Edwardo’s kid, I’ve helped look after him a lot since he was 7 and I’m also his guardian if something happens to Edwardo, so he usually calls him our kid

Update: Turns out I'm not straight, Tyler kissed me!! So I must've just been jealous of him lol

Update 2: Tyler dumped me :( at least me and Edwardo can be just us again now