Touché Pluto

I'm a 36m with Capricorn ♑️ sun and a Capricorn ♑️ moon signs. I read an article that said having cap placements in your big three means life for you is a little like living in a totalitarian state. It's brutal and demanding but if you survive, you'll be equipped to survive anything. And in the current astrological epoch, I've survived a ton! Literally died three times; had two career altering layoffs; two ex-girlfriends tried to kill me (Ed note: try harder ladies😒) ; but this week I was really put to the test. Monday, one team I work with basically said I was inept and a poor leader. Tuesday, another team said I was too demanding at work and mean. Wednesday I woke up to find out my ballot was on the losing side of every race... including my local ballot initiatives. Thursday, I find out my prized assistant will be leaving me for an uncontested promotion (ed note: she deserves it; she's a rock star). And today, Friday? My whole life I wanted a Jaguar and this year after my trusty car finally went to heaven after 180,000mi of loyal service. My therapist helped me to realize that it's ok to do something fun for myself and so I instead of buying a sensible car, I said YOLO and bought a Jaguar. It's a joy in my life even when I'm at my most despondent. I awoke to a series of texts from my wife that she had scraped up the side of my prized automobile this morning.

Good news is... Pluto leaves in two weeks?