Hate my life, any advice for a loser?
33f, graduated with BS in biology in fricken 2015, didn’t know what to do then and still don’t know wtf to do now and have been working as a useless medical assistant since. Obviously it was just a waste of money and time to go college, and this failure still lives at home too. I wish I could go to med school but I’d never get in, and not anymore hopeful about PA chances either. Nursing doesn’t really appeal to me because you don’t get to learn as much, and the amount of BS they have to deal with I couldn’t do it, idk how they do it. I love the medical field but it’s either I’d never get in like med school not interesting enough to want to waste more money on school and would rather just stay a useless MA. Thought about clinical research, but it seems like it’s more administrative/paperwork than patient interaction or actually taking part in the research. Idk what to do and might as well have gotten a BS in underwater basket weaving I picked such a useless degree. God I’m a failure