Hello! How can I get off melted plastic?

Pic above ^ totally my own fault, but I didn't realize my oven mitts melted above 450 and when I went to take out my pan of a 500° oven after seasoning it melted onto it. I got off most of it but there's last annoying bit I don't know how to get off. Could I stick it back in a 500° oven with tin foil on the bottom and let it melt off? Would doing so ruin my pan in any way?

Thank you!!!

Pic above ^ totally my own fault, but I didn't realize my oven mitts melted above 450 and when I went to take out my pan of a 500° oven after seasoning it melted onto it. I got off most of it but there's last annoying bit I don't know how to get off. Could I stick it back in a 500° oven with tin foil on the bottom and let it melt off? Would doing so ruin my pan in any way?

Thank you!!!