Any recommendations on which whetstone to buy? Beginner/Budget

So i've always taken my knives to get professionally sharpened but after moving, i can't find a good place anywhere near me. So i'm looking for suggestions on which sharpening stone to go for as my first one. I'm looking for something that is as cheap as possible but that gets the job done fairly well.

I don't want to spend a lot on this first one, just in case whetstone sharpening isn't for my dumb brain. I'm looking for advice because i want to be certain that if i don't get good results, the problem is with my technique and not the stone.

My knives have always been treated well so i think the lowest grit i would need is 1000. Any and all suggestions/advice are welcome, thanks!

Edit: Also, from my lazy research i've found some people that like this one:

If you have opinions on that, i would like to hear them!