Freestyle Chess/960

This variant can not and should not replace classical, proper chess.

Devil's advocate: - Rids memorization - Enhances creativity - Blabla etc ...

Actually: - White gets a HUGE ADVANTAGE in most positions - The advantage is uneven, and varies per position - If a match is repeated from same position with colours reversed, the players will have done heavy analysis before playing the second game - There is little room for error or creativity when, for instance, all major pieces except rook on queenside, bishops pointed towards queenside, castling available on first move... What creativity?

People forget ground realities. Magnus just wants more publicity for Chess960, trying to solve problems but forgetting the problems created.

Imo if anything, Reformed Courier-Spiel is a better candidate to replace/supplement classical chess.

Both have a balanced starting position. Chess960 does NOT, due to white being able to attack a black pawn on move one. And it isn't even consistent!