Update #2: D&D Group of 12 Years Breaking Up Because Of Kids

So it has been about a month since my last update. Our Sorcerer (Lindsey) has completely stopped communicating with anyone from the group. She has even defriended most of us on Facebook. This is sad for us, but not entirely unexpected. I guess we are more disappointed then sad? Just a lot of emotions right now. I get it, though, I really do. Her kids are at the age where she wants to do things with them, but that lifestyle is just not for the rest of the group. Even Jessica leaves her kid with a sitter when we play D&D. For Jessica, D&D is what is it for the rest of us, an escape from "real" life.

Our Paladin (Steve) still responds to messages, but it is getting less and less frequent. Part of me understands though, he has to back his wife for a happy marriage. He says that he would still play with us if he could, and we let him know he is welcome at any time. I fully have no expectations that he will ever be joining us again.

Now... For the new party members Nix (Druid) and Belle (Barbarian). Those ladies have gone from 0-60 on D&D. They are constantly in the discord discussing how to make there characters better at this or that. I think they may have a new slightly unhealthy obsession with collecting dice sets. Barely playing for a month, and they have already started sinking more money into dice sets than I have in 24 years of playing. It is all in good fun though. I'd be lying if I said that their gemstone dice they got off Etsy were not sweet. And they have gotten some expensive Chessex sets that are pretty cool as well.

On a very positive note, I think that my other buddy (who wishes to be nameless in posts) is getting along really great with Belle. Those two seem to always be in the discord voice chat together. It is good to see two child free adults getting along so well together.