The Illuminati in GTA: Part 2 - Illuminati Harder

Greetings Space travelers of Starship Earth.

TL;DR : Illuminati

As most of you likely know, I wholeheartedly believe that the illuminati and/or freemasons are in the game and possibly have written the mural. In a previous thread, I made an overall outline of the illuminati in the game, breaking it down into different groups of things necessary for control; religion, government, media & business. This time, I'd like to present the illuminati's presence in a little more detail with symbolism for reference.

I'd like to start with a symbol we've all seen many times in the game and have dismissed it as just being related to Egyptology. The Eye of Horus. This symbol is seen in-game as are the mathematics (and symbolic representations thereof) that comprise it's lengths. You see, the eye of Horus uses the golden ratio. Another thing about the eye of Horus that most people neglect to realize is the association it that is also an eye of providence. This symbol is associated Freemasonry in conspiracy circles.

Freemasonry is in the game via the real world architecture that is in the game. The most notable examples are the Galileo Observatory, City Hall and the Templar hotel which is the in-game representation of the Rosslyn hotel (Da Vinci code anyone??), don't forget – the Knights Templar are associated with freemasonry.

Now before I continue, I must get across the belief of some (if not all) Freemason's is that of a Great architect of the universe and what does an architect use when creating? Geometry and mathermatics. The G in the Masonic symbol represents both God and Geometry depending on the masonic traditions followed. With the idea of a divine creator, who is also an architect, we need to look at commonalities in the world and it's mathematics. What is one common constant in the game that manifests in many ways, like the Vinewood stars on the sidewalk, the mural, Trees and is directly tied with a freemason symbol?

The Golden Ratio.

Now with that all in mind, lets get back to the Secretive aspect of this society. We often hear the word Illuminati as the masterminds of a Global domination conspiracy, without thinking that in order to control the world you're going to have to do better than a secret society the whole world knows about, so you're going to have to get your fingers into every aspect of culture; Religion, business, media and Government and the people. Using the Golden ratio we can see the grand architect's plan start to unfurl.

Since the illuminati are often associated with pyramids and are thought to be like a pyramid in hierarchal structure, let's start from the ground up.

The Ballas:

The Ballas color is purple. Purple is associated with freemasonry. This picture was taken on the, now Balla ran, Grove street. I doubt the Ballas have very much pull in the overall scheme, but they seem to get protection from the Police due to the quick response of the LSPD after Stretch caps D in the face. According to the GTA Wiki page on Stretch) he is also revealed to be working with the Ballas, infiltrating Franklin's crew – I personally did not notice this, so it may be invalid. Regardless of the validity of Stretch's involvement with the Ballas, we can also see an influence from the music and film industries encouraging gang violence as noted by the gang based music on some stations and the Weazel news broadcast stating how the film industry, by not making gang oriented movies, has caused a reduction in gang violence – and this angers the republicans. Imo Political parties in the game don't really matter, as they're both just tools of control. After all, blue+red makes purple, the color of Freemason royalty- but I digress.

Now, with the Weazel news blurb about Gang violence in mind, how can we see the Grand Architect's hand in it, beyond the gang? With the The Whirligig theatre boldly displaying an exponentially increasing spiral, like the golden spiral. Illuminati colors are frequently used in The loneliest robot in Great Britian. Another example of the Golden spiral being related to a distraction is the white widow marijuana store. Weed helps people chill. Chill people are easier to control.

Another place we'll find Freemason/Illuminati symbolism in the game is via soundtrack choice. I'd like it to be known, I'm not trying to debate real world Secret societies/New World Order plans/Illuminati with this post, but as a conspiracy enthusiast there is in fact Freemason symbols used by some of the artists on the soundtrack, such as Jay-z with his Rocawear line displaying the eye of providence & flashes hand gestures of freemason's, Beyonce who flashes the same hand gesture & allegedly uses symbolic rituals in her performances, Rihanna who allegedly uses illuminati symbolism, rituals & sports the eye of Horus and Tupac who frequently mentions the illuminati in his music & was allegedly killed by them.

With music out of the way, let's move on to the businesses and how similar symbolism is present. The first place I would like to mention is Augury Insurance who use the triforce logo, which is also a way of looking at the eye of providence, with the inner, inverted triangle representing the eye & the way the triangles face in opposite directions pointing up & down – As Above, So below. Insurance companies stand to make a lot of money by charging money to people for something they may never use and to give people a safety blanket. Keeping people “safe” keeps people tranquil.

Another business that uses a triangle for it's symbol and is located around the illuminati hotspot that is the business district, is Arcadius industries. I know very little about this place, but the fractal, repeating patterns on the banners are common in sacred geometry. Arcadius industries was also featured on the load screen announcing the “Business update” which added the eye of providence as an obtainable tattoo. The pattern below the triangle is also similar to that of the Zancudo UFO.

Penris Plaza is rife with Illuminati symbolism, with the eye, stars and the color blue. The building itself, is designed in the middle of what look like emanating waves with circular dots that some say contain an alien face while others argue it's just a mirrored texture. Personally, I see it as a face. Remember, a face is symmetrical, so it will appear to look like a mirrored texture and the illuminati love showing off by throwing their symbolism at us, so why not show another truth but make it look like you're “just seeing things” so you sound crazy for saying it's there, but I digress.

Another major part of business that allegedly fuels war and thus the military industrial complex is the oil industry. Ron suggests that they're all sharing obsessed communists and I may have found evidence that suggests this on Elysian Island. All of the oil companies in the game have containers in the same lockup at Elysian Island. Maybe Ron isn't just nervous, maybe he's right.

Speaking of businesses, secret societies, and working together, what is another important thing needed for control? Money. We have 3 banks in the game, FleeCa, Bank of Liberty & the Maze bank. Ultimately, due to the nature of the Federal Reserve, all money comes from the same place in the U.S. but I found it particularly interesting during one of Franklin's downtown cab co. Missions, that he picks up 3 bankers from the Richman hotel and drops them off at the office of each of the banks in the game. There is also the Union depository, which is rumored to be in association with the Bank of liberty on account of the UD trucks saying, “In association with the Bank of Liberty” although I suspect all banks are in association with the UD and the UD is under illuminati control as mention by Lester exclaming, “TAKE THAT DON PERCIVAL, DEVIN WESTON AND ALL YOU OTHER ILLUMINATI BASTARDS!!!” as you're making off with the money after the UD heist. Also interesting to note that Merryweather try to rescue the money.