Can anyone help me diagnose what’s wrong with my MacBook screen?
Can anyone help me understand what happened to my laptop screen?
As the title says! I’m looking for some help understanding what happened, and what can be done
The other day I was heading to bed and noticed that the laptop was open and unplugged on the table, so I was about to go over and plug it in and close it, and the screen started doing this. Which is to say, no one was using the computer or even near it when the screen broke. It just simply started, and hasn’t stopped. It doesn’t appear as bad as it is, in this video— it’s flickering constantly and almost impossible to use.
Does anyone know what happened? Did a connection wear out? Is it a relatively easy repair? Would taking it to a local computer repair shop do the trick? It’s a 2015 MacBook Pro
I was given the suggested to reboot the NVRAM with control + option + P + R and unfortunately that didn’t help