Thinking of switching to Pc

I’ve been a console gamer forever. Currently have an Xbox series X. I’ve been really contemplating getting into PC gaming. My concerns are that they’re much more involved and costly. You don’t simply throw a game in and go, it may require a lot of troubleshooting to get games to run right and I’m no where near qualified for that. PC’s are of course more powerful but I don’t think I’d use it to that potential anywhere. I’m just intrigued by the cheaper games and more open nature of the platform.

Has anyone switched? Did you come back to console? Do you have both console and Pc, which do you prefer if so?

I’ve also thought about keeping the Xbox and buying a ps5 for the few exclusives it sees. I would be spending an extra $500 to get a ps5 vs spending $1500 to build a PC. I have the money, but not sure I’ll get $1500 of use out of a PC to really justify it to myself.