President Donald Trump third assassination attempt on his life at his Inauguration, World War Three and the Israel/Palestine conflict

According to Alois Irlmaier, the third world war will commence between flares and tensions in the Mediterranean between the Jews and Arabs. He also stated that troops will come from the East (Russia) to attack Western Europe to conquer it and many bombs and weapons of mass destruction will be used making some places uninhabitable.

Finally, an (alleged) Irlmaier statement should be mentioned in this context, which was published in 2002 in Magazine-2000/No. 171 by Bernhard Bouvier (pseudonym), according to which the victim of assassination number three would be a US president. B. Bouvier quotes there the Irlmaier-witness „Gärtner“, who in turn is said to quote Irlmaier:
„The spheres of influence and areas of interest of the USA and Russia collide; There are already minor skirmishes; USA/Russia peace conference in Bucharest; The American president is assassinated, whereupon the vice-president immediately declares war. …“ […]
Irritating only that another author (Leo DeGard „Armageddon“, 2003) also interviewed the witness Gärtner, but clear differences to the Bouvier version emerged. DeGard changed the location of the assassination from Bucharest to Budapest. Also, the conference in Budapest is said to have been convened „at short notice“ after Russian troops had already advanced to Belgrade (!) – and thus already violated NATO territory.

He predicted that the year that World War Three commences, that an assassination of a US president will occur. According to psychic Nicholas Aujula, who has foreseen COVID-19 as an influenza respiratory illness in early 2019, the assassination of Haitian president among many other disasters has predicted that the rise of Far-Right parties as well as the assassination of a major political figure will cause war.