Looking to make connections w like people…anyone out there?

Short bio: it’s been 2 years now since LC but really I have ME/CFS induced by Covid. I was a prev healthy, attractive, active 32y/o male w a great career in finance (good six fig job), dating, hanging w friends, building a life for myself, fulfilling goals etc. Now I was forced to quit my job, move back w parents, apply for disability and lay flat for about 22hrs a day due to severe severe fatigue & PEM. Would really be nice to connect for support and such w males or females in a similar position…perhaps we could help each other out w emotional support and feeling like we’re dealing w this together. Maybe form a small group or something. Also perhaps for potential treatment discussions etc as well..just feels very lonely to be in this position & to have lost so much. Feel free to DM. Thanks ❤️