[No Spoilers] (Probably an unpopular statement) I miss Twitch.
I have been listening to CR from back when they were on Geek & Sundry So I got a Twitch subscription to listen to Critical role as soon as they got their own channel, When they switched to Beacon, I dropped Twitch like a hot potato and subscribed to Beacon. Now maybe it is just me. I don't think the UI for beacon is very good. (the login screen is desgined to entice new subscribers, the actual login button is tiny and off in the corner. Lots of content, thats a good thing, but difficult to move around and find what you are particularly looking for. It constantly asks you to accept cookies. It has a lot of difficulty remembering where in a show you left off, usually starts you in the wrong place. and while there is a rewind 10 sec button there is not a ffwd button, which would help but instead you have to use the slider which is very course and makes it difficult to find a particular spot. futzing around to get to the right spot, just destroys the mood.