I can't believe the amount of men who don't dress up for a first date
Now I'm not saying you have to pull up in a 3-piece suit or anything like that.
But good God, there's so many men who go on first dates wearing outfits that look like they just got out of bed.
Obviously, location + activity matters, like if you're going hiking for the first date then wear what's appropriate, but when you're going out on a date to a bar, cafe, restaurant, or anywhere where function of your clothes don't matter, DRESS UP.
"But this is how I always dress!"
That doesn't matter. First impressions matter. Showing the girl you're dating that you're willing to put in effort matters. And also showing her that you know how to dress up for occasions is a huge plus. Most women love to dress up for certain activities, and by showing her you can do that and match her energy/vibes, it'll go a long ways to making her like you more.
You don't even need to go super fancy. Just get a pair of nice slacks, a clean tee (or button up), put on a belt, some nice shoes, accessorize a lil bit, and you're golden.