28 year old male virgin

What advice do you have for a 28 year old male virgin?

Hi. I'm 28 years old. Never been with a women or had a gf

It's a very sensitive subject to me, like my big dark secret. I'm the guy who falls in love with every girl he meet. I've had feelings for almost all my female friends at some point and have lost most of them because it wasn't returned. I've always been very shy around females. I can make female friends, but that's always as far as it goes

I fall in love with my best friend, feelings isn't returned, heartbreak and then repeat. It's something that really is hard for me. I'm ashamed of being 28 and never been with a woman. It kills me seeing all happy couples around the world all the time. I'm happy they're happy, but i'm so jelaous it hurts. I'm average looking, but talking to women i don't know is VERY much out of my comfortzone, but I want a partner. I have considered going to a prostitute for a long time, but have never done because it goes against my morals and i'm afraid if I ever do find someone they will look down on for me visiting a prostitute

Brutally honest how would you feel if you dated guy my age and found he's a virgin or lost it to a prostitute?

Also. ALL tips and advice are very welcome. My main problems in terms of this is very low self esteem and not the best social skills