Servers Up? Servers Down? Megathread

Although it hasn't been directly announced, it's clear Bohemia game servers and corporate servers have been attacked, most likely DDOS.

This has gone on for a few days and no idea when it will stop. This will be the one and only thread to post up/down reports for the time being. All other posts will be removed. Also, instead of posting "are servers up/down", do us all a solid and check yourself.

Any official info might come from the DayZ Twitter/Discord but considering the breadth, there have been tidbits on Reforger socials and presumably other games.

If you are going to post something official, include a screenshot or link.

Edit - I've read multiple posts that all claim to know someone or something. They want $, they don't want $. The only "sure" info from a good source is a ddos attack on the Bohemia infrastructure by some Russians.

This would exclude Nitrado, interestingly enough.