3 Year Old WIP Needs Rescue!
So I have had this wrap sitting in the bottom of my WIP basket for like 3 years now because of that yarn barf, and it was the first thing I thought of when someone informed me that this sub exists.
It's untwisted 4 ply cotton yarn, the strands started to get more and more uneven towards the end of the cake, and then the cake collapsed on itself and there was no saving it. One of the strands broke in one of my initial rounds of detangling efforts and at this point I'm pretty sure I have spent more time trying to untangle this mess than I have on the wrap itself, so I threw it in the basket figuring I would eventually get around to it, but it has sat untouched for years.
I will happily mail the whole thing off to somebody who wants to take a crack at it because I just don't have the patience for it, but would love to finish the piece.