I am so confused I need some guidance

So I just put up my altar, I don't have much but I've been saving all of the things for almost years. I found a pinecone way before I thought of devoting myself to Bacchus but I still kept it for no reason and today I finally put use to it. I place two candles aswell as some white wine my parents had stashed (is it supposed to be only red wine? I have no idea😭) i started a prayer and o read it on my phone to avoid getting it wrong. I had placed some purple incense and it was still FAR from being over when I sat down to pray yet once I was done and I looked up it was completely gone. I did notice the smoke was going crazy but I thought it was just the wind. Is it a sign that the prayer was well received or was it a sign that it was horrible??

(My English kinda socks so sorry abt that)