Do you wake up your dogs when they whimper in their sleep?

Ok. So when your dog is asleep and they do that whimper sound do you wake them up? I always immediately did and in my mind I likened it to waking up someone that’s having a nightmare. But my partner says that’s rude and you should let them dream, and that maybe it isn’t even a “nightmare.” I’m just curious what others do.

Edit-Some of you are acting like waking up my dog is atrocious and awful. Lol. Let me just say I have three dogs and the one I’m talking about who whimpers in her sleep literally will wake up out of a dead sleep if I get up to pee or the wind causes the trees to shake. I assure you that my trying to be kind and kissing her on the forehead and waking her up from a bad dream is nothing that causes her distress. However, I get what some of you are saying and going forward I think I’ll probs just let her sleep. 😉