How to book practical lesson efficiency for new learner?

I just got my PDL and have been trying to book practical lessons, However, there is no available slot throughout the entire month of January and February.

  1. What time is the practical lesson timeslot usually released??
  2. Will there be a chance to book a practical lesson for the month of January and February if I were to check the available slot daily?
  3. If I can't book online, I've the choice to book practical lessons through e-appointment. it seems that the e-appointment timeslot is full as well. any tips to schedule e-appointment?
  4. For try-sell timeslot, what time does this slot usually release?
  5. Is it possible to login ssdc account through multiple devices to increase to chance of getting a slots?
  6. A booking limit of eight (08) practical lessons per month applies to both online and centre-based bookings. I've gone through some searches on this sub, some people manage to get more than 8 practical lessons in a month. How do they get this much?
  7. For ssdc account, how much balance is advisable to top-up for practical lesson? I don't want to top-up excessive fund end up unable to book any slots.