State of the Dumbphone 2025 (READ THIS FIRST)

What a great 2024. More and more people are adopting simpler lifestyles and many are now looking into dumbphones as a solution! The community continues to grow (more than 100K members on this subreddit and many more lurking and out there in the real world!) as a result of more books and articles being published on the topic. Here are some 2024 favorites: The Anxious Generation, NYT's Dumbphones, and WSJ Tech to Beat Addiction.

2025 seems to be THE year of the dumbphone as local governments and some countries are looking to ban smartphones from schools. This should introduce alternatives for kids and teens who are the ones suffering most during this attention crisis. It will also be a sad year due to 2G and 3G shutting down completely in more countries which renders some devices obsolete :(

Now, before you ask for a recommendation, here are some things you should know:

There is no perfect dumbphone. No one has created a phone tailored for your specific needs only. Therefore, you have two general options: customize or compromise.

  • Customize: If you need smart apps (anything you can get from the Play Store or Appstore) such as Uber, Spotify, WhatsApp, etc, you need an Android dumbphone. Check the dumbphone finder or this master post to understand what's available in your area and what design you like best.
  • QWERTY keyboards are mostly available on Android at the moment. The only device that is upcoming on this category is the Minimal phone. It is a smartphone with an e-ink screen. Please do your research before pre-ordering.
    • If you use the dropdown that says Spotify and WhatsApp, you'll be able to find phones that you can customize to install such apps. Phones with a touchscreen will be easier to navigate and install those apps.
      • Otherwise, you need a virtual mouse. In order to install apps for devices without a touchscreenhere is a guide from apps4flip that you can follow. 
      • For devices with a touchscreen, simply download an apk package from the web, put it on your device, click/tap on it, and follow the prompts.
    • Instead of you doing the work, you can also contract companies like Kosher Cell/Safe Phone or Limit Phone (currently in beta). They are able to install the apps you need for a fee and that's about it. For example, you can get one of their iPhones or Samsung phones and install 1 extra app like Spotify, but never be able to install anything else as they have restricted the functionality for you. Koshercell has a partnership with the dumbphone subreddit and there is a $15 discount if you use: DUMBPHONE15.
    • Finally, you can customize your smartphone and delete apps that you don't want and need. There are guides on the internet for that if you prefer to keep your smartphone form factor. Several companies (Ghost ModeTroomi, Techless) have installed their custom OS on their phone and they have no app stores or limited appstores. They include the basics if you want something useful. Gabb wireless is another option that is geared towards simple uses.
    • You can purchase some of these basic phones from and use code JOSE5 for 5% off. This is a partnership with the subreddit to keep this going and make it sustainable for all the resources we have here. You can alternatively purchase from Amazon, Light, Punkt, or Mudita stores but hey who doesn't like a 5% discount!
      • These devices are for lifestyle change. They invite you to reframe your mindset about your needs and slow down. Before purchasing, know what you are getting into. KaiOS, Light Phone, Punkt, etc., do not have very smart apps. They are made to be simple and have one or two extra functions that make your life a bit easier (GPS, Podcasts, Music), but no super fancy apps! Research before buying and then being disappointed.
    • If you want a Japanese Flip phone that looks good, check this post
    • CAT S22 questions, look here:

My recommendations:

A final word: There is no perfect phone as I said in the beginning, but the dumbphone journey is worth it. Find what works for you, stick to it for a good minute, and create workarounds for what does not work. Good luck on 2025 and hope this post was helpful!