I was reading an article (essentially a review) about Dynasty Warriors Origins, and while I don't necessarily criticise a reviewer for disliking a game that I like, nor the opposite, I couldn't help but notice the focus on saying the game had "major" omissions from the game, before mentioning split-screen and co-op, followed by "nothing", also mentioning the game is "stuck in the past"
That last part is what made me giggle a bit, because throughout this whole review, they didn't make mention of Dynasty Warriors 9, and how it already tried to innovate on something and, let's be honest, it fell flat, crashed and burned, leaving many hardcore fans disappointed and alienated.
Going back to the tried and true formula and building on it to a level I've never seen in an instalment prior, in other words, actually innovating on an existing formula, has clearly worked.
So my question is; for those kind of people who are critiquing the game(s) a similar way, what is it they actually want?
This has been the most refreshing instalment in the entire series and it's ironically not even a numbered entry.