Best kit for real-feel with a double bass pedal?

Hi all. I currently have an ATV aDrum expanded kit (5 piece). I purchased this before Roland introduced their VAD lineup since I wanted to have what I thought was a somewhat realistic-feeling bass drum head feel. Unfortunately I've been very disappointed, as the bass head is rather bouncy feeling and doesn't trigger equally between the two beaters, and doesn't seem to use the entire head area the same way an acoustic drum might. I'm also having a lot of trouble getting the hi-hat to trigger on ghost notes. Thus, I'd like to upgrade.

I'm eyeing the Roland VAD or v7 kits, but worried they might suffer from a similar issue, where the bass drum appears to be a large acoustic-like drum but the actual triggering mechanism is smaller and ends up feeling like hitting a small drum. Is this true in people's experience? Are there alternatives that are better (maybe from drum-tec)?