I genuinely wonder how many people with unidentified issues that seem like fibromyalgia or autoimmune disorders actually have connective tissue disorders.

I was lucky enough to get genetic testing but it only came back with 2 gene variants of uncertain significance - one of them an SMAD6 variant, the other associated with Loeys-Dietz. Both are of uncertain significance but my symptoms are exactly like those of my mom's, who apparently has Ankylosing Spondylitis. Trigger point pains all over, at random times, even when not under stress, unable to sleep because of them. The only difference is I have extreme slow transit constipation + IBS and she doesn't. I suffered with SIBO for years. Also, I have a jaw that started clicking after a specific incident when I had braces. She carries the gene for it, but I do not. I really need her to get tested for the connective tissue disorder genes but she can't get them. However, she also seems to have a lot of symptoms that do not exactly align with what AS is supposed to be like. For instance she tore her hip merely by falling. She is old (65) but not necessarily out of shape enough to warrant a tear that requires surgery. But idk.

I really just wonder how many people are suffering with similar issues without ever getting a connective tissue disorder spectrum diagnosis. My guess is it's a ton of people. More than we probably think.