Tried PvP for the first time and actually enjoyed it!
My intention during this event was to do the bare minimum to get the 3 daily tickets and bounce. So I get into Imp City, get the arena quest and jump down. Next thing I know it's 3 hours later and I've done all dailies, killed every boss, killed a grand overlord??? Just rolling from district to district which were always full with all 3 factions.
Yes I died A LOT (20k health lol) but I also killed a lot which is surprising since I just went in with my pve build.
Later I went into Cyrodiil and helped capture some keeps which I also enjoyed and now the only thing left for the Star Made Knight achiev is Battlegrounds. Which I'm a little scared of since I read so many horror stories.
Anyway I get it now! I 100% get it.