Was this emotional abuse?
Hi everyone. I had toxic best friend for years, and I struggle with the label. My therapist said it’s valid to call them emotional abusive, but I deal with imposter syndrome. I feel like most of the time when you hear about emotional abuse, it’s in a romantic relationship instead of a friendship. You hear things like the abuser calling you names, monitoring your location, etc…
These are the reoccurring patterns that were present in our relationship: - them giving me the silent treatment as the first resort when they got upset. Example: when I innocently did something that they didn’t like. Or when something happened that wasn’t my fault but they blamed me anyway. Going as far as ignoring me for multiple days until my apology met their standards. - them belittling my achievements. Example: when I’d win an award at school or got a good grade on a test, there was always a reason why I didn’t actually deserve/earn it. - them crossing my boundaries, even sexual/physical boundaries. Example: if they had a photo of me I didn’t like or that I was shirtless in, they’d refuse to delete it. - them invalidating my feelings, even when they did something blatantly wrong/hurtful. Example: if they did something that caused an argument in the friend group, sometimes I’d need some space. But to them, I was just being “sensitive.” - them doing hurtful things behind my back. Example: talking badly about my appearance and hooking up with my ex.
I constantly felt like I was walking on egg shells around them. I never realized how toxic it was because I had severe mental health issues and always blamed myself whenever they made me feel bad. I’ve also been in and out of abusive relationships for most of my life, so it became my “normal.” I have this person blocked on all social media and have had to unlearn many things that they instilled in me. It’s safe to say that they have given me trauma.
Thank you for reading.