What Ender 3 Upgrades has Everyone Done and Why?
I’m curious what upgrades and improvements everyone thought was crucial to their Ender 3s.
For my Ender 3 Pro I made the following upgrades:
- Dual z-axis
- CR Touch
- Bi-metal heatbreak
- Enclosure (repurposed grow tent)
- Filament dryer box attached
- Printed part cooling fan shroud
- Direct Drive
- Klipper setup
- Garolite bed
- Extruder motor heatsink
As for why I made these upgrades, first was bed leveling issues. This led to my second z-axis, garolite bed, and leveling probe. Which, ended up very successful with consistent leveling. Only wet filament causing anymore issues, so I bought and mounted a dryer box.
Next I wanted to print flexible filament, particularly TPU for its durability. So I went with a Direct Drive setup so I could have less backpressure with the filament, and less extrusion issues. Also just higher speeds for every filament.
I was fed up with the SD card setup and having to go to my office room to generate gcode, so I set up klipper. This also helped with speed, which is why I additionally printed the fan shroud to support.
And finally, I wanted to be capable of (haven’t tried yet) printing filaments that need higher temps, and enclosures. So I added a bimetal heatbreak, enclosure, and the heatsink for my extruder motor as it began overheating when enclosed.