What menstrual pain intensity is normal?
Hi all!
I realized that I don't really know what kind of menstrual pain is common, and at what level it is not.
I tried to find statistics online but was not successful. I only found answers like '80% have cramps'. Fine, but what does this mean? Do you feel something going on but are not limited in your daily life? Does it hurt but one pain killer pill is enough to not feel anything anymore? Are you in such pain that you are out of life for the whole day, even with meds? ...
I wonder if anyone has a source/reference of any statistics that provide information on this topic. It would help me a lot on my journey on getting diagnosed. Maybe you have also collected enough information from your personal surrounding, such that you have an rough answer to this question.
In my case, (on average) 3 out of 4 periods are very endurable, but every 4th is hell. I don't know if this could be endometriosis, as the intensity fluctuates very much, and that confuses me. Have my lab sheduled for next months.
All the best to all of you ;)