I'm curious how many of us in here have experienced "enlightenment" and what was the path you took to get there?

Me personally it was a 3 year journey before I finally got what I classify as my initiation into the light about 1 year and a half ago still a long ways to go before I’m crystal clear, this is an experience that can’t be read imo and no one can take you there it is knowledge that only comes first hand. I fact when attained I liken it to a realization that everything you though was outside of you all knowledge stories information was leading to the same place within (a all roads lead to Rome type deal) anyways.. Entheogens gave me the push necessary to find the truth initially I went the shamans route, did anyone else get there through religion, breath work, meditation, reading etc.. all things I incorporate now but my first encounter with full enlightenment was due to the plans a a deep inner calling at this point Im far enough along to have opened and cultivated quite a bit of my higher senses. I can go the the astral every one in awhile, intuition, inspiration, wisdoms, discernment etc. have all been flowing and I’ve also been able to visit several planes above the astral. It seems that so many are wakening up as part of humanities coming ascension in just so curious as to how many of you are out there or I guess in here and how’s your progress been. I describe the veil of forgetting coming down as you get your initiation into the light as more of and ancient remembering would those who share the experience concur? And the first conversation you have with the higher self/ over soul as being like a “you know nothing Jon Snow moment”. Anyways.. those who know should be able to recognize the truth with this one statement “God is Love” now how many of my brothers and sisters are here awake and aware?