Bosetamper rant
So 6 months ago I see lance using this weird tamper, I look it up and find it's called the bosetamper. I see the guy is doing a pre-order for the mass production one, I take a flyer for $150 for April delivery all good. And then comes the delays as all Kickstarter type things do, I get it. But I'm on the second delay with no update in sight. where the rant starts is I've been following this guy on Instagram and YouTube and for the last month all I see is him with tons in his living room and him taking a pallet of these things to all these coffee expos (Portland, Boston, and now Asia) showing off and I assume selling these things. Mean while everyone who pre-ordered these fianced his supplies and we are sitting here with our dicks in our hands waiting for it to be delayed again. I don't even want the thing anymore but I can't stand this guy having my money without a product. If anyone see this guy selling them at any expos tell him he a shithead. Why do people think they can use a pre-order to supply new customers and delay the people who backed you (looking at you Weber workshop)? Who wants a bosetamper next year when I get mine?