Looking at small corp options


My current corp is soon disbanding and I’d like to see if there is any Corp recruiting that would be a good fit. My active time is around 02:00 EVE time and I can usually play only for a couple hours most days of the weeks as I have kids and a full time jobs. I have multiple toons with different roles on 3 accounts and can do most things: PvP/PvE (dps, logi, tackle, dictor), industry (mining, boosting, refining, production), and exploration (usually my go to solo activity to make isk).

Looking for a smallish Corp with chill people to play with. I would like to learn to do more small gang PvP and learn logi or tackle roles. Having said that, I’m open to do pretty much anything with the right group if they are active at similar times as I am and are accepting that real life comes first.

Let me know if you’re looking to recruit and think we might be a good fit.