Trying to find a replacement/translation formula/rule for a Fantasy Language Translator


I have a bit of a weird specific problem for excel and I don't know how to even begin googling an answer for it.

I'm trying to use excel to translate english Phonetic words into a fictional (orc) language. I found a website that translates english words into their phonetic equivalent so I'm set for that, but I'm hoping to able to use some kind of formula (if possible?) to translate the words easily.

The numbers in the "Orc Sound Equivalent" are just place holders.

For example, if I wanted to spell "pen" I would use "p", "ɛ" and "n " symbols.

The word "pɛn" would be translated to "1 28 19" in this case (again, numbers are a placeholder).

Is there a formula that would get the data from "English Phonetic Symbol" (B) column, be able to recognize the different symbols on the selected box from the "Phonetic English Spelling Example" (D) column and use the "Orc Sound Equivalent" (E) column information to then translate it into the "Orc Spelling Example" (F)?

Thank you so much in advance, it would be a huge help :)!

(Example below)