“the organization is perfect, people aren’t”

Me and my mom were just on a video call with my grandma, who is a JW, and my mom had the brilliant idea to touch on a case that happened (I believe) in my country very recently. In the case an Elder raped kids in his congregation, and after he assaulted one of the kids for the third time, the kid’s mom found out who he was. She was told to “seek counsel in the Elders”. She didn’t and went straigh to the police, and now this man is in prison!

My grandma immediately decided that he MUST NOT be a “”true”” Jehovah’s Witness, that the news must be wrong. When we insisted it was not wrong and he was indeed an elder, she went the route of saying we must not trust everyone, even though they are JW. Then she said “the organization is PERFECT. People are not!”

Yeah, perfect. Alright.

Who the hell made the “perfect” religion?? PEOPLE!!

I certainly adore how this perfect religion has instructed her to shun my mother (her own daughter) for getting pregnant before marriage. And I love even more the fact that she didn’t. She didn’t shun my mom for one minute ever. Neither did my grandpa. They are always there for us. How can a perfect organization tell you to do something that you don’t accept? Sure.

Sorry guys for the rant on a very specific comment. My grandma is old as hell and she ain’t waking up in this life time, unfortunately. It makes me sad and mad at this fucking cult for robbing 40 years of her life. For fucking up her mindset and poisoning her relationships. She is a kind person, it’s the cult that spoils it.