No Iranians I know are Muslims

Everytime I meet with Iranians, litterly none identify as Muslims. The only ones that care about religion are Persian Jews, I can defiently say I know more Persian Jews then Persian Muslims. Even the ones that sorta identify as Muslim mock Islam and eat pepperoni/pork. It’s crazy how much more advance or ahead Persians are then Pakistanis who are litterly a whole century behind. Some might only identify as Muslim if it’s convinent, and they don’t seem to hate Arabs. A lot of them also wear crosses which I find annoying because Islam is based of Christianity so your going to the source of the bs. And a lot of them have abandoned Muslim names, they’ll have a nice western name like Chloe or Kayla, but will keep there traditional Persian last names. What’s your experience with Iranians ? It’s honestly hard to wrap my head around how it’s even possibly to consider Iranians Muslim since none I’ve met identified with the Islam .