All Abrahamic religions are dangerous

I make it clear that I am a believing Christian person however I despise Christianity because I am not respected in my choices, I don't hate Islam in particular but I appreciate that you criticize Muhammad,Allah and similar stuff also because they are all equal and corrupt to Christian God and Jesus. Because I write in a group ex-Muslim as well as ex-Christian group because Christianity is as corrupt as Islam, I do not approve of religious and racist propaganda that does not work,European colonialism is horrendous, I remember seeing Europeans killing Africans to enslave them in the name of God in an photo. There are things that I despise in Islam: Muhammad does not approve of me in Islam regardless of whether he exists or not, he is evil and corrupt,this destroys the myth that Islam approves of everyone,the veil is horrible, Arabs unrealistically become illiterate and allow themselves to be colonized by Europeans by ending up like Africans or Jews genocide of mass. Palestinians make an unrealistic bad end and lose so many rights: but do these Arabs come from Ishmael envious of Isaac's Egyptian origins or are they Arabs from nowhere? meaningless weakness does not appeal to me. How is Christianity reduced? He accuses Islam of barbarism despite the fact that I don't agree and there are practices that I don't approve of and then I find out that Christianity is barbaric too, he wants to convert anyone to Christianity with violence when it is in fact unfeasible, there are people who reject Jesus because he is cruel, the church is hypocritical and Christian stories don't exist. These two barbaric religions violate my rights, better atheism and science if afterlife got tired of accommodating human beings, God is cruel. Biblical or Koranic God does not exist.