Educated muslims in complete denial
I had a rather bizarre experience. I was never a Muslim and consider myself an Atheist. I live in Germany and recently brought up the topic of the expanding muslim population in Germany, saying that if the demographic trends continue, it will definitely change our country forever.
Some female muslim colleagues were super insulted by this, which I already don‘t fully get. I think saying that the massive expansion of a foreign culture will change a country should be a pretty legitimate position.
But what I found even more bizarre is, that when I then talked to these female colleagues personally because I didn‘t want to leave them insulted and wanted to clarify my point, they were in complete denial about any negative thing happening in the Islamic world. I tried to bring up the various issues with democracy, women‘s rights, antisemitism, etc. But they all pretended as if those issues don‘t exist. Just complete denial.
Now this was in a science department and these were really highly educated muslim women enjoying the freedoms of the western world. So it‘s even more bizarre to me, that they can‘t see the problems of Islam. Is this kind of denial normal among educated muslims?