BEHOLD! The most useless ship ever created!

Behold my greatest failure!

I have reached all planets in Space Age in my slow and steady playthrough and am now working on quality grinding.

I had the brilliant idea that due to lava recipes only needing one solid ingredient, I could farm that one solid ingredient in Legendary quality and turn that into enormous amounts of Legendary Iron Plates, Copper Plates, and Steel Plates! Infinite power!

I spent countless hours building a ship to slowly and steadily fly between planets grinding asteroids into Legendary quality and then turning them all to Oxide chunks, then turning those into Legendary Calcite.

I built, tested, and marveled at my success!

Now, I am sure that you brilliant engineers spotted immediately what took me many hours of excitement to realize. Calcite goes into MAKING the liquid, not AFTER the liquid. So my ship makes rare materials that do exactly the same thing as regular Calcite.

After almost 4k hours in this game, the shame was so strong that it required that I submit myself for public mockery.

On the bright side, it has all of the necessary parts in place to adjust it for grinding Legendary Iron instead, so only about 95% wasted time.